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Marriage Problem...


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Sorry if this has been ask before.


Maramal being the one to talk to is not at the Temple and not at the Bee & Barb.


I have tried waiting and using the hours to wait day and night and still nothing.


This is not essential in completing the game, just one of those side stories I want to complete.


If Maramal is dead how do I bring him back? If he is dead and I can't "find him" is that side mission over?

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If your using the PC:


There is a console command to make an NPC warp in front of you. I'll leave it to you to look up his ref id, which you need to use the command


Theres a console command that will warp you to him... If he's dead, click on him a type "resurrect" and he'll come back to life.


If your using a xbox/ps3, cool story bro. Forever alone you shall be.

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