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Invalid Y Value On Reference


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So I'm having a huge issue with a mod I'm making. I thought everything was going good until I actually loaded up the mod in game to do some testing and I found that something strange had happened. So in the CK my cell looks fine as far as layout and everything, but when I went in game to test, my character was stuck inside objects. So I used tcl to fly outside of the part I was stuck in and then I discovered that all the objects I had added to my cell are converging to a single area inside the cell. So I loaded the mod back up in the CK and everything still looks good in the render window, so then I did some digging in the warnings box. I found errors for every single object I had placed that is saying they all have "Potentially Invalid Y Value on reference". I've never had this happen before and I'm not sure if I accidentally clicked something in the CK that I shouldn't have that cause this, but needless to say I don't know how to fix it. I'm really hoping there's some fix for this, otherwise I will have to start my mod all the way over


Can anyone help me out? I'd much appreciate it

Edited by Chthonian
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