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Need some help cleaning a mod with TES4Edit, please.


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I haven't seen any missing mesh yet in the new game I'm playing after having Oblivion reinstalled and remodded (and I hope I don't see any again). But thank you very much for your piece of advice. Hopefully I will be able to find a solution if that problem happens again thanks to you, guys.





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  • 8 months later...

Hi there.

I attempted to clean the (benign) "1 ITM, 0 UDR records" for "Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts.esp" with TES4edit according to instructions, but no errors were picked up and the mod was not altered. No backup of the esp was created in the Data Folder, either. Wryebash still reports the same error for the file.

Needs one continue to obsess?

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Wrye Bash is known to sometimes report errors that are not actually. TES4Edit is considered authoritative, and WB now uses BOSS's reports instead of it's own. (Depends upon how recent your version of WB.) So first check if BOSS says there is an ITM/UDR error. BOSS's reports are based upon the CRC of the 'dirty' version of the mod. (Turn on the CRC display in the report via the BOSS GUI program.)


If BOSS says there are known errors (based upon the CRC) then re-attempt to clean with TES4Edit. Re-check the setting according to the cleaning instructions. Use <Alt+F4> to close it. If it made changes to the mod, it will ask if you want to save the changes, which you do.



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