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Patch 1.2 Fast Travel Broken (along with other things)


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I am hoping a separate post will lead to a fix.


When I was home during lunch today Skyrim was broke by the launcher bug I had from the last ninja patch. When I clicked play on the launcher (through steam) I got the screen about allowing skyrim to change the hard drive then back to launcher. Verifying cache did not help, so I reverted to a back to a previous exe (that was saved elsewhere) and the game will load now.



Fast Travel Does not work

The R Key is disabled.


Then I had to go back to work. Apparently other people are saying the tab key doesn't work as well, and lockpicking or reading a book will break your game.


I play with some mods (I disabled Val's crafting meltdown prior to even trying this patch). Disabling them or enabling seems to make zero difference.


Any suggestions?


CPU: i7 920


Win 7 Professional 64 Bit

ATI 5970 GPU

Edited by jrvanderloop
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Hey guys I don't know if it will help you but I reverted after an update. I forgot to set steam to offline mode last night so it update while I was at school. I saw all the negative press so I went poking around to see what files in my directory updated. It looks like the only files that updated were skyrim.exe and skyrim-interface.bsa. I simply went to both of those files and reverted to an older version ... right click / properties / previous versions. I don't know if there are the only files that change so if others know of more let me know. Either way I reverted both of those files and I was able to load the game and checked my saved games and everything seemed to work well. I hope this helps. I did do all of this before I even booted up the game. Maybe that helped.

This helps the fast travel and disenchantment

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Hey guys I don't know if it will help you but I reverted after an update. I forgot to set steam to offline mode last night so it update while I was at school. I saw all the negative press so I went poking around to see what files in my directory updated. It looks like the only files that updated were skyrim.exe and skyrim-interface.bsa. I simply went to both of those files and reverted to an older version ... right click / properties / previous versions. I don't know if there are the only files that change so if others know of more let me know. Either way I reverted both of those files and I was able to load the game and checked my saved games and everything seemed to work well. I hope this helps. I did do all of this before I even booted up the game. Maybe that helped.

This helps the fast travel and disenchantment


Not to be a dick Lancealot74 but quoted post above is not your own post. I can here to help out this guy by giving him my advice and here I see you simply copied and pasted my post from another thread. () WTF. I am glad the work I put in helped you. You should give credit where it is due and not just just steal others work.


Sorry if I sound pedantic but in my line of work this stuff just doesn't fly and I hate seeing people pull this kind of stuff

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Hey guys I don't know if it will help you but I reverted after an update. I forgot to set steam to offline mode last night so it update while I was at school. I saw all the negative press so I went poking around to see what files in my directory updated. It looks like the only files that updated were skyrim.exe and skyrim-interface.bsa. I simply went to both of those files and reverted to an older version ... right click / properties / previous versions. I don't know if there are the only files that change so if others know of more let me know. Either way I reverted both of those files and I was able to load the game and checked my saved games and everything seemed to work well. I hope this helps. I did do all of this before I even booted up the game. Maybe that helped.

This helps the fast travel and disenchantment


Not to be a dick Lancealot74 but quoted post above is not your own post. I can here to help out this guy by giving him my advice and here I see you simply copied and pasted my post from another thread. (Original Post) WTF. I am glad the work I put in helped you. You should give credit where it is due and not just just steal others work.


Sorry if I sound pedantic but in my line of work this stuff just doesn't fly and I hate seeing people pull this kind of stuff

Edited by trollmar
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Okay, here is what I did to fix it.


I think the no fast travel no r key thing is caused by using the old .exe with the new interface.bsa When I went to the old interface.bsa there were still random issues (mouse didn't select from menu correctly.


So what I did was delete TESV.exe. interface.bsa, skyrim.ini and skyrim prefs.ini.


When I did that I got back to the problem when the game would go back to the launcher after hitting play. (Seems related to Windows 7 64 bit).


So...I went to the game directory and looked at TESV.exe. I had set it to run as administrator. I unclicked that, and voila the game launched and is now only plauged by the "ordinary" 1.2 problems (backwards dragon no resists). For those of you having the launcher bug, I would check that out.


Thought this might help.

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Interface Hard Coded Key Tweak

Go there ^^^^^^^^


Download v3 (May not be needed, but you do need to create the folders described by mod poster (Controls and PC))


Download SkyrimKeyHelper_1000 (Bottom of download page... for me anyway...)


Do the following :D


Live life again!


(Copy and pasted from comment I wrote in link)



This was really pissing me off so I hope it helps some people.


After patch 1.2 I was having strange problems with the key mappings. For example the in the map, the left mouse button would close the map instead of place a marker, the tab button would not longer cancel out of the map, and if I were to press P to place a marker, then press P again to remove it, I could not click anywhere and the game was essentially locked to the Move it, Replace it, or Remove it screen no matter what button i pressed. Also i was not able to TAB out of lockpicking, therefore forcing me to open a lock or quit the game.


After playing with the custom Skyrim Key Helper program provided, I was able to fix all of it.


1. Go into the Skyrim Key Helper and navigate to Map Menu from the drop down.

2. Go to PlacePlayerMarker and add Mouse1 (or personal pref) to the list. I also kept P on the keyboard list.

3. Also, I don't know if this actually does anything but I went to the Cancel option and reselected and added Tab just in case.

4. I did the same as step 3 for other various options (pretty much every choice in the drop down menu) for mainly tab and Mouse1 throughout the controls just in case... not sure if necessary.

5. Set any other key bindings the way you like...

6. Click Save & Write Changes (Will probably need to create the folders Controls and PC as described by crazygNexus)


I think that's it guys... I hope it helps you because it made the patch much more bearable for me... that was the only glitch I've actually faced post patch.

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