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Dungeons and exterior zones harsher, further from roads/towns


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I'm looking for a bit more variety in difficulty in the dungeons and encounter zones, as well as difficulty. I've been using MLU's static PermaZones til now and finding it ok.


I was wondering however if there's a mod / combinations that would provide higher scaled leveled range (ala Permazones vanilla) or delevelled (static) interior dungeons AND exterior encounters/misc hostiles that increased in difficulty the further from civilisation (roads/towns) you traveled? What I seem to find is more random zones (eg. WTF) or scattered additions (eg. HLE)


Also if there was a mod that grouped enemies into tiers of difficulty, like bandits being generally not as difficult to deal with compared to draugr (ala requiem), that could be combined, that'd be much appreciated!


Thanks to all.



Edited by Arziel
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