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Keep getting Message AWKCR Patch-UFO4P missing


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That's because you literally are missing that patch. You need the combo patch for the two mods. I'm not positive if it's an option in the main file's FOMOD or in the Compatibility Patch FOMOD. I suggest re-running those FOMODS and making sure you select the AWKCR-UFO4P patch.


Then the proper load order is as follows according to a sticky from Valdacil on AWKCR:

<All DLC .esm>
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
<All other .esm>
<AWKCR DLC patch(es)>
<All other .esp>


Here's the relevant part of my plugin order so you can see the patch names you need.




Now that I'm looking at it and Valdacil's notes on load order, I need to change my own load order!

Edited by damanding
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No, don't do anything. You don't need the UFO4P compatibility patch. I'll copy Valdacil's post here.


valdacil166 kudos1556 posts

AWKCR 3.0.0 release... with DLC support for Vault-tec and Nuka World.

- With this release, we changed the way AWKCR is setup. If you have ALL DLC modules, nothing changes... you just install the All DLC version and that's it. If you are missing one or more DLC modules, then install the NoDLC version and add patches for each DLC you do have. The ArmorKeywords.esm file contains all of the keywords and new records needed by AWKCR. Each patch only contains overrides for items added by that DLC. Mod users can easily merge these patches together to support their DLC setup. Mod author need make no changes to their mods to support this new architecture.

- Now that UFO4P is a master file (it is an .esm even though they left the .esp name on the file), it can now be loaded BEFORE AWKCR. We have therefore removed the AWKCR-UFO4P Patch. The proper load order should be:

<All DLC .esm>
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
<All other .esm>
<AWKCR DLC patch(es)>
<All other .esp>

- This version also adds a framework for mod authors to make craftable color and decal swaps on armor items. See Changelog for more information. This new framework will be supported by the next version of Armorsmith Extended and Unified Clothing Overhaul.
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I've updated both of the mods but keep getting the error message and keep CTD, I cant think of any way to fix this bar uninstalling everything and starting again, which I really, really dont want to have to do. Do you think it would work if I installed the no dlc version then installed all the dlc patches separately like Valdacil says? cause i can only find automatron stuff unless he hasnt posted them separate yet. Sorry about all the questions, I'm kinda new to modding.

Edited by xXlawsterXx
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