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Coming Back After A Couple Years


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I first got into modding Skyrim a few years ago and I used [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/beginners_guide) guide to get me started. I found it really useful and wound up using it as my main resource. I've referenced this guide dozens of times, but now I'm noticing a few changes I'm not familiar with.

1. If I have all the DLC but I did not buy the legendary edition, can/should I use the unofficial skyrim legendary edition patch with USLEEP? I was tempted to skip USLEEP altogether and just install the individual patches like I've done in the past, but i've noticed that some mods actually recommend the legendary edition patch (specifically SMIM).

2. After following the guide to completion (I went with the usleep/legendary option) I fired up the game and everything went smooth, except I had this error message in the top left corner: ''error 1 bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini or you have multiple locations for skyrimprefs.ini'' I found two skyrimprefs.ini; one in my documents folder, and one in my skyrim directory. I changed both from 0 to 1. That did not work. I then editted the skyrimprefs.ini folder through mod organizer and that did work insofar as it got the error message to disappear. However, I noticed almost right away that something was still wrong. As I was riding the caravans in the first scene they started glitching out and getting stuck on the ground in certain places almost turning completely upside-down at points. Eventually the game crashed all together.

So I've reinstalled Skyrim to a directory outside of program files again and I'm about to start the process all over again, but it's a bit of a commitment and I'm not sure what to do differently to avoid the same thing happening. Can anyone shed some light on this?

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I first got into modding Skyrim a few years ago and I used [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/beginners_guide) guide to get me started. I found it really useful and wound up using it as my main resource. I've referenced this guide dozens of times, but now I'm noticing a few changes I'm not familiar with.
1. If I have all the DLC but I did not buy the legendary edition, can/should I use the unofficial skyrim legendary edition patch with USLEEP? I was tempted to skip USLEEP altogether and just install the individual patches like I've done in the past, but i've noticed that some mods actually recommend the legendary edition patch (specifically SMIM).



The "legendary edition" is just Skyrim with all the DLC. I use USLEEP and I didn't buy the "legendary edition" either. Yes.


Can't help you with the rest, I've never heard of anything like that, except maybe I'm guessing a load order problem. BTW, hidden in the interface of MO is settings for things like LOD (draw distance), etc. and if you used a previous MO profile from years ago it might be doing something weird (I am not very adept at those settings). So if that's the case, I would also suggest you uninstall MO (delete profiles), reinstall MO, and redo your mods from scratch.


It needs to go like this (not sure about the last two, might be backward):


Skyrim patch (Bethesda's)






Edited by HalloweenWeed
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The "legendary edition" is just Skyrim with all the DLC. I use USLEEP and I didn't buy the "legendary edition" either. Yes.


Can't help you with the rest, I've never heard of anything like that, except maybe I'm guessing a load order problem. BTW, hidden in the interface of MO is settings for things like LOD (draw distance), etc. and if you used a previous MO profile from years ago it might be doing something weird (I am not very adept at those settings). So if that's the case, I would also suggest you uninstall MO (delete profiles), reinstall MO, and redo your mods from scratch.


It needs to go like this (not sure about the last two, might be backward):


Skyrim patch (Bethesda's)









I hadn't considered checking the MO profiles because this is a new computer, but now that I think about it all of my modded saves from back then were magically still there. I'm starting the process over now. I'll keep that in mind.

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However, I noticed almost right away that something was still wrong. As I was riding the caravans in the first scene they started glitching out and getting stuck on the ground in certain places almost turning completely upside-down at points. Eventually the game crashed all together.


It's actually a common bug. Carriage mesh physics reacts poorly to any mesh replacers placed near it. I had problem with Stormcloak Lord armor from Immersive Armors making carriage do barrel rolls. Simple solution is to activate such mods after you've completed first part of the oppening scene.


Recently I have stopped having this bug. So here are the mods which might help:

Duke Patricks - Skyrim Friction Fix II

Prisoner cart fix

Crash fixes by meh321

Bug fixes by meh321




1. If I have all the DLC but I did not buy the legendary edition, can/should I use the unofficial skyrim legendary edition patch with USLEEP? I was tempted to skip USLEEP altogether and just install the individual patches like I've done in the past, but i've noticed that some mods actually recommend the legendary edition patch (specifically SMIM).


Legendary Edition was just the Steam bundle name. Now you can't even buy it anymore, there is just discount for purchasing base game (-50%) with the DLCs (-25%).

You just need all DLCs for USLEEP.




So I've reinstalled Skyrim to a directory outside of program files again and I'm about to start the process all over again, but it's a bit of a commitment and I'm not sure what to do differently to avoid the same thing happening. Can anyone shed some light on this?


There was similiar question posted not long ago.


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