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Skyrim "Long Stutter"


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I have perfect FPS at max settings, but no matter how high or low I put the settings I still have this problem. Basically every few minutes or so it will randomly just freeze for ~4 seconds. The sound keeps playing, so if I'm in dialog the NPC will keep talking but the screen will be frozen. After the ~4 seconds it resumes to perfect FPS again. So I was guessing it had something to do with loading the map in big chunks but I'm pretty clueless.


Hoping this is this a common issue/fix, no setting I've adjusted seems to have helped.



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Did you overclock anything?, it could be overheating.


Assuming you haven't overclocked anything, did you modify your skyrim.ini at all?.

How much Ram do you have, what kind of videocard & OS?.

Also, ...what color pants are you wearing?.


Maybe it is the autosave, next time it stutters, check your saves and see if there is a new one where it has stuttered.

If that's the case you can reduce the amount it autosaves in the game options.


Edit: I just noticed it shouldn't autosave unless loading, waiting or travelling.

Edited by scruples
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No overclock, skyrim.ini is default. I tested with both vanilla and + the skyrim 4gb patch. I have 3.5 gb ram, windows XP, GTX 460 SE card, no pants. (and Duo E8400 3GHz)


And as I said, no difference on highest settings or lowest, always smooth FPS except for these damn random "freezes". I did notice that it seems to only be when I'm traveling. Never happens indoors or standing still outdoors.


EDIT: Nevermind, it happens standing still as well.

Edited by ShadowLance194
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I'm having the same issue! No matter what I'm doing or where I am, I experience random lag. Except for me the stutters/lag go on for about 30 seconds to a minute, and they happen every ten minutes or so. I don't have the best PC, but it isn't awful. Skyrim suggested I play on medium and when I do my FPS is flawless, but I get the stutter/lag issue no matter what the settings are at, even at lowest settings.


If anyone has any info please help us :wallbash:


It's making enjoying the game very difficult

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