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Is there an easy way to change an edited .esp into a patch for the .esp you edited that contains only the edits?


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That was a mouthful.


I edit mods for personal use all the time, usually just tiny tweaks to make them more in line with my own tastes. Most of the time I do this as a patch to the original mod (i.e. made tiny edits with the original mod as a master). This is just a simpler and cleaner way to do it for me and it's the method I prefer.


When I was first learning the CK I made a few edits to mods by directly modifying their .esp. Kind of want to make them into patches now but don't necessarily want to go and do it from scratch again (some were really tedious). This might be a stupid question but is there any way for me to isolate the edits and change them into patches?



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