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F4SE Key bindings for Waiting & Supply line


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TLDR: how do I set these keybindings in CustomControlMap.txt?


So first of all, the latest F4SE doesn't come with a CustomControlMap (CCM) to start with. We now have to forge them from scratch with zero documentation on them? Oh well.


Waiting on a chair


So I've got these line relevant to waiting on a chair:

StartWait    !Melee,0x54     0xff    0x8000    0    0    0    0x8
Melee        0xa4            0xff    0x0200    1    1    1    0x40

All good and dandy, but it doesn't work. For starters, 0xA4 is the "left menu key". I have no clue what that key is. I have a plain vanilla fullsize keyboard, but I have no menu keys I think. But, all that doesn't even matter. I don't care about a dedicated melee key.


StartWait is suppsed to be bound to Melee AND to 0x54, which is the T key. And that, my friends, just plain doesn't work. Other bindings to the T key work fine, except this one. Anyone knows what to do here?


Supply lines


The second problem is with Supply lines. That's making a supply line, not showing them in the pipboy. I can't find a key binding that relates to that in any way. And sure enough, when the game tells to to hit Q for Supply line, nothing happens. In fact, no key on my keyboard nor my mouse does anything that might be what I need.


Strangely, both the R and the F key seem to be bound to sending a settler elsewhere. Now, I've never actually used supply lines before, so I'm not sure what the UI is supposed to look like, but in this case for R and F keys, the UI is identical, so I think they're both bound to Move. However I can't find a binding for moving a settler, either, so having that working properly seems like sheer luck for now.



So, in conclusion, how do I set these key bindings?

Edited by thany2
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