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HD Retex Should NOT Equal "Fake Coloring" or "Spanking New


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Ok, so I admit it; I'm a HUGE texture gal. I especially love clutter and creatures. But hey, who am I kidding - I love it all equally.


Now that said, I have a little problem. Almost all of the people who are re-texturing seem to think that we want something that looks like it was forged two minutes ago. I for one do not want to sacrifice "well-used and worn" with "super finey fineware for noble gentlemen and their elegant lady friends" - just so I can have HQ textures. I also don't need it recolored, really, unless it adds to the ambiance of the object in question, or if you intend to have many variations. LOL. Surely, there can be a happy medium? And maybe mods that are only sharpening or recoloring and no real "by hand repainting" should have that distinction of being placed in a different category even. I will say this.. I do not want to stray too much from the look and feel of the game.. I just want some beautiful stuff for my game... I don't need 20 different colors to choose from.


I know that part of the problem people will claim is that the CK hasn't been released, so they are limited. But honestly, I don't see how the status of the CK in any way affects repainting. I have, in fact, seen some amazing work here by people who know what they are doing. Still, I have to say, most of it has that "just cut down this tree and carved me a table" feel to it. :/


(I am specifically refraining from mentioning specific mods because a) that would be unfair and b) they outnumber the great mods so significantly.)


Anyways, I am posting this here just in case there are any modding artists who troll these forums who actually like making stuff for the game that looks like it came from a world without electricity or people that bathe. If you're out there and you read this, I encourage you to let your talents run wile... you will most definitely have an audience, and not just me. Ok that's it! :D Happy Modding everyone!


GO MODDERS GO! You guys make this game worth playing!! :D

Edited by silverbluemoon
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I think you've misunderstood. This is the Mod Request forum right? I am just requesting (and encouraging modders who want to make them) more texture mods that go more with the flow of the originally implied Skyrim ambiance. :)


Perhaps the subject of this post should have been "...Should not JUST equal "Fake Coloring" or "Spanking New"... meaning that maybe some people would like more worn, realistic items in their game. Because I'm seeing so much of the latter, I wanted to give props and encouragement to those modders that want that same style in their games.

Edited by silverbluemoon
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Hmm, good post. Regarding my mod in progress (still just writing notes/comparing mods), this makes me feel hesitant. I'm working on an armor dye mod (cause I love choices baby!) but the problem is that people are going to have all the Armor enhancing mods or retexture mods that sharpen them up or whatever.


I need to select the best one, but which one? Oh ok, 8,300 people downloaded that HD armor mod so I'll base my recolors on that, oh wait 7,900 people downloaded this one, man I can't leave them out.


Anyway, sorry to stray. I intend on using any HQ retex mods for armor and other items that retain the original feel of the game. It'll be difficult because there's so many to choose from.


I, too, hope for more 'tame' retextures for the purpose of my mod, but I'm sure some people would love 'perfect retextures' as well. I don't know what I'm gonna do cause I'm a fan of worn textures.

Edited by droscoe2
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Hmm, good post. Regarding my mod in progress (still just writing notes/comparing mods), this makes me feel hesitant. I'm working on an armor dye mod (cause I love choices baby!) but the problem is that people are going to have all the Armor enhancing mods or retexture mods that sharpen them up or whatever.


I need to select the best one, but which one? Oh ok, 8,300 people downloaded that HD armor mod so I'll base my recolors on that, oh wait 7,900 people downloaded this one, man I can't leave them out.


Anyway, sorry to stray. I intend on using any HQ retex mods for armor and other items that retain the original feel of the game. It'll be difficult because there's so many to choose from.


I, too, hope for more 'tame' retextures for the purpose of my mod, but I'm sure some people would love 'perfect retextures' as well. I don't know what I'm gonna do cause I'm a fan of worn textures.


Oh, you guys please do NOT let my post discourage anyone. My opinion is only my own and I know LOTS of people who like the outlandish and crip, clean perfect textures. Just look at how many downloads they have! I respect anything end everything that anyone wants to make and I think it all has merit and should be respected. This was simply my request to put out there what I would like to see int he requests, for those who feel like making it.


I think you should make whatever you want to make and it will be wonderful because you took time and energy into making it. Don't let anyone discourage you - not even me. :)


BTW, I too feel overwhelmed by the current textures out there. They're coming at me too fast, lol. Thank goodness for starter guides like STEP that keep me in line with what stays with the lore of the game. And there are many textures from there I have abandoned, too, but at least it gives me a baseline that I know I like. I believe more of these guides, like the awesome TOTO project that was for Oblivion, will come to light as time moves forward. this is only the beginning! :)

Edited by silverbluemoon
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