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Title Screen Options not showing up with certain amount of mods


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This number of plugins shouldn't be a problem. I run a stable game with 180 active plugins.


Are you sorting these with LOOT? If so, does LOOT warn you about any dirty plugins (which can and should be cleaned by TES5Edit) or needed compatibility patches?


Also, I recommend you build a TES5Edit Merged patch and a Wrye Bash Bashed patch to help your mods play nicely with each other.




Furthermore, I noticed that you have all of the DLC, but are still using the individual unofficial patches. I would use USLEEP (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/?), the all in one. If nothing else, it will help cut down your load order.


I know that Amazing Follower Tweaks isn't exactly the same as UFO, but using that mod instead (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/?) would also help cut down on your load order.






Side note: Here's how you use crash logs


"Open Skyrim.ini (My Documents/My Games/Skyrim) and add the following to it:


Afterward, in that same folder you will see a new folder called Logs. Inside that: Script. Inside Script you will (eventually) find 4 logs. Double click and they should open with notepad or any text editor. Papyrus.0.log is the most recent. At the end of it you will see the last process to happen before the crash." - Whitelion1284



Hope this helps!

Edited by NeekoDeeko
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Alright, none of that worked. I decided to do a little research and found that .esp can activate other ones in scripts that count for the max plugins, so I just decided to do the less greedy thing and remove a few mods tat I didn't really need as well as getting mods they didn't require as many .esp, like AFT

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If you don't have plugins unchecked inside your data folder they will not magically appear and get activated in your Skyrim. You do wait some time in the menu? My Skyrim takes 2 minutes or more from launch to get the menu options to appear.

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