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Stendarr's Aura as an enchantment on armor


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I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to put the undead sunlight damage from Stendarr's Aura on a piece of armor. The spell ordinarily acts as a passive damage shield around the player so that if any undead get close, they take sunlight damage.


In the CK, my armor uses a new enchantment that points to a new magic effect that's basically a duplicate of the effect behind Stendarr's Aura. I had to create a new effect because the effect behind Stendarr's Aura isn't available in an enchantment since it uses Casting Type 'Fire and Forget'. So I changed that to 'Constant Effect' in my new effect and it's now assigned to the enchantment with the same magnitude and duration as the vanilla spell. This is the only change I've made to the effect, but it isn't working. I'm starting to think it isn't possible, or maybe a script would be needed.


Also, I see that in the vanilla Stendarr's Aura spell there's another effect for the visuals, and I'm not interested in that. I wouldn't want to be glowing all the time when wearing the armor. ^_^ Omitting it shouldn't matter since it's only visuals.


If anyone has any tips, I'd really appreciate it!

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I just tried it (without removing the effect) and it's working. Only thing I would need to do is change the description, so it doesn't say "for 0 seconds..." on the armor. If you haven't already, on the magic effect, try removing the minimum skill level and the "dispel" keyword. Perhaps one of those is what's causing your trouble.



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Ok, guess I'm at my image limit, but that one was easy. It's just finding your enchantment in a drop down box. If you're going to make it so you can disenchant and apply to other apparel, you will want to address the base enchantment and worn restrictions. Base enchantment is usually a very low number, as the system will apply enchanting skill to increase power/duration as you advance.

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I just did, thanks again so much!


When I originally created the new effect, for some stupid reason I copy/pasted the stack of undead conditions from the damage effect. In vanilla, the damage effect has them but the aura effect doesn't since it's only the damage itself that should be dependent on whether or not the target is undead. The aura doesn't have a target, so telling it that the "target" must be undead and hostile just made it constantly disabled. I noticed the conditions weren't present in your screenshot and then it hit me. =)


I've been trying to figure this out for so long and just kept giving up. Thank you! =)

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