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Fallout NV constantly crashing (TTW)


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Hi all,
So I have an issue with TTW, it keeps constantly crashing on me at completely random times. Sometimes 15 mins after loading, sometimes an hour but it always crashes. Sometimes it will freeze on the pinwheel of death (loading screen), sometimes it will say "FalloutNV has stopped working", sometimes it will just freeze and I have to sign out and log back in to my account on my PC in order to close the game. After installing game fixes, patches and the 4gb enabler, I have no idea what to do and would like some advice. Yes, I know TTW is sort of frowned upon on this site but I really want to play this game.

Here is my load order in case it's that.....

I would also like to add that I have uninstalled many of my mods in case of conflicts, but it still crashes.

Edited by Tommywafflez
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TTW support is found here.


But it sounds like you have been playing for awhile and now this is happening? In which case, have you been using the game's built-in "autosave" feature? If so, please read this entry in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


And if you should decide to start over, may I suggest you read the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article first? It will point out some other pitfalls you want to avoid.



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