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Some must have mods?


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I'm looking to mod my Skyrim farther than what I have already done.


Not looking into getting an ENB as I want a smooth experience. (R9 270 and i5-4440 for you wondering what GPU and CPU i have)


Im primarily looking for


Quest mods (larger ones with a good story)


-Excluding Falskaar, Shadow of meresis, Vigilant (As I already have these)


Funny mods


-Excluding posh mudcrabs and swearing mudcrabs


All around good mods


-No Housemods though


I have all the DLCs and I also have the Skyrim Ultimate Edition Unofficial Patch


I am asking here instead of searching it up, because the lists I find are usually pretty dated with some mods I have already played multiple times.


Thank you for taking your time to read this and potentially help me gather a good list of mods.



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