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New Nuka World inspired Wall-mounted creatures


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Hi there,

First, i want to apologize if i make little sense, as english is not my mother tongue.


Now, back to business!


I had this idea: Why not implement wall-mounted trophy (like the ones in the base game) but for Nuka-World creatures? Imagine a Gatorclaw head on your wall, next to its deathclaw cousin. Imagine a nukalurks variation of the mirelurks trophies! We could also put ants and crickets (well, not sure for the crickets actually). Maybe some gazhelle head on wall, as well as brahmiluffs(all of their variation actually) and ghoulrilla! Let's not forget bloodworms trophy, and one for the rare quantum deathclaw!


My idea may be crazy, but i love having some sort of "records" of the most dangerous creatures that almost killed me in these agressive lands^^


Lemme know if i didn't explain very well.

I hope it's not impossible to make, i would like to do it myself, but i have neither the time, nor the skills for it.

Thanks for reading^^

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