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Pipboy Blank White Screen [omnis]


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Tried looking up this problem, apparently I'm not the only one!! and it happens to numirous pipboy texture mods. for some people

I am trying to use the [omnis] and when I do my whole pipboy screen goes white!, any solution would be great.

1) varified game cache
2) validation is done.

3) uninstalled reinstalled the game.




--- Just tried some others, this happens with every [modded] pipboy texture !

Edited by SanityGaming
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Please read the wiki article "HUD-UI-Menu Issues". This is the result of installing mods in the wrong sequence (install order problem). Changes to the "pipboy" involve XML files replacing vanilla ones. I expect there is at least one in your "texture" mods.


And just for future information: please provide a link to mods you reference. Names are often similar and no one keeps track of them all.



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  • 11 months later...

Please note the date of the previous post, and see the Nexus "Terms of Service" about not resurrecting old threads.

While we appreciate you are trying to be helpful, this particular fix has already been documented in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. Posts tend to scroll from view. Preserving their solutions in the wiki saves a lot of searching, and provides a single point of reference to direct people to. Anyone can edit the wiki with new information, and there is a thread where you can contribute solutions for someone else to post to the wiki for you.


Thanks for trying to participate in the community.



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