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Request: Deseases


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It is difficult to know when you got some illness, as it is hidden in the magic window.


I'd like to see some info or warning on the main hud:

Either only a red (or if you have none: green) number how many deseases you have, or the name(s) of the desease(s).


I' m no modder, take this idea please!

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Thanks, but the request forum is really difficult to find form the Nexus index page (when clicking on the Nexus logo on top).


But to come back to the serious question: I'm relly missing some info on the main hud: Clock (in game time: how long will it take till sunset/sunrise) and info about deseases.

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Thanks, but the request forum is really difficult to find form the Nexus index page (when clicking on the Nexus logo on top).


But to come back to the serious question: I'm relly missing some info on the main hud: Clock (in game time: how long will it take till sunset/sunrise) and info about deseases.


On diseases go here: http://elderscrolls....es_%28Skyrim%29

Or go here: http://www.uesp.net/.../Skyrim:Disease


For time passing, that's a global value called TimeScale, it defaults to 20... meaning 20 minutes pass for every 1 real life minute you play.

From the console you can change it by typing something like: set TimeScale to X

X needs to be a positive real number, no decimals.

I'd strongly advise against setting it too high or too low since that can break time sensitive quests and AI packages.


There are also a ton of game settings that can alter the seasons of the year as well as the time period lengths of the day parts (sunset length, sunrise length, afternoon length, etc.)

These are all INI file settings and you'll have to research them yourself, there's a bunch of them.

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