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mods with camera


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Hi again :)


You don't need a mod for that, this Is to be done with console commands:

Open the console, type tfc, close the console. This will put you in free camera mode. You can move the camera with your movement keys an mouse.

You cannot move your char in that mode though. To exit that mode use the command again.

For real nice shots get rid of the interface, this is done with the tm comannd. Usage is the same as tfc.

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Hi friend,


Here are some useful console commands for screenshots:


tfc - Toggle Free Camera. As already stated, allows you to move the camera, rather than your character. Note that you should go into third person view before using this, else your character will look... odd.


tm - Toggle Menu. Removes all menu HUDs.


tai - Toggle AI. This requires a reference, so you should click on an actor first. For instance, say a bear is attacking you and you want that shot. This will freeze the bear at the moment you use the command, no matter what it is doing. Same applies to NPCs. Do NOT use it on your player character else you will end up back on your desktop. You have been warned!


fov - Field Of View. This sets how wide a field of view the shot has. Default is 75.


and/or take a photomod or taking a moviemod ;)


Have fun :thumbsup:



Edited by Harvald
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