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Skyrim battle music wont stop playing.


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Ok I know this post is very old, but some people may still be experiencing this bug. The reason why the battle music keeps playing is because you have got into a recent fight with an enemy and perhaps you fled.


To fix this all you do is go to the console commands and type killall. This should force the battle music to stop and then it should be fixed! :blush:

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  • 4 months later...
I have the same problem but it happened when i was fighting Harkon ( dawnguard quest) and it first didn't start the music even after i killed him , but instead several hours later it started the boss music when i wanted to put something in a chest !!! Help please .
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I have had same problems with the combat music repeating over and over again no matter were i went. I trying to even load a new save, still played the music and even the main menu music was not playing it was just that combat music repeating itself. I quit the game and restarted it (not new game just opened the game back up) and music was back to normal yay :3. If your still got music then well RIP Skyrim.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
Well I had a glitchy fight with Moraak for Dragonborn DLC and since after that battle music is playing including the “Dragonborn” song and I don’t know the name of that music and I don’t know how to scroll up in the console for the “help mus” command
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