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The simplest fix to nuka world that has to be made to enjoy it.


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Bethesda really wet the bed with this one. They set out to create a theme park in the middle of nowhere infested by raiders and monsters.

Neat idea right. Yeah well atleast they got the theme park part right.

So basically you have this park that in the trailers is seen as working but everything fun and even settlements around it are needed to be powered on.

BUTT before you can turn on power you must complete the dlc in two ways and bethesda made both ways sacrifice too much and in my case one of them does not even work.

So basically one is to kill all the raiders in the park making it a abandoned shitshow and no fun at all and the other is to sacrifice your commonwealth settlers and Preston.

The raider settlements have a bunch of problems:

1 No supply lines so no items

2 they need another settlement to supply with food that you cannot build in after making the food supply because everyone hates you there.

3 Preston leaves you (even though noone likes him it still is a finger up the butt)


So yeah you could just say. Why not just do any of them and that my dear reader is what i would want.

After completing any of both tasks you are allowed to turn on the button that powers nuka world.

But if you press the button my noclipping inside the button room before doing any of these tasks the button does nothing.


So long story short. Can someone make a mod where you can use the button from the beginning of the dlc. Hell maybe power nuka world from the start if you want.

I have no idea how to make these sort of mods but i hope someone talented may read this text.

Harambe bless.

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