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Respect for the Hero? And... Caps?


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Scenario (with spoilers; warning for the few people in the world that haven't completed the game or the DLCs, also it's kind of long so if you don't want to read it, scroll down to the **** line): You've finally done it. Defeated the Enclave. Restored life to the wastes. Killed the raiders and slavers. Destroyed the enemy ship. Relocated an infant to a new home. Salvaged your brain-in-a-jar... And now you're strolling casually through the halls of Rivet City after having some delicious aqua pura and mirelurk cakes only to hear....


Rivet City Guard: "You're a lowlife." *disgusted*


Pause... Wait? What?


Okay, so maybe you snuck into Seagrave's room once, while completely hidden, and you didn't take anything from there except some ammo... And a few small valuables from other rooms. But hey! You were once a naive kid from a vault and didn't know what a cap was for except keeping your cola fresh and bubbly or why people would want to haul around bags of the heavy things that jingled horribly while you tried to sneak... But you really needed ammo and to repair your gear! You know, for that difficult quest to save everyone that no one else had the balls to go do... THAT quest. And okay, maybe you did stand right in front of Tenpenny at noon and shoot his head off, but the ghouls were going to kill Tenpenny anyway, you saved him from suffering whatever torture they were going to do! But you totally lied about killing the others, honest! You're standing right next to a very alive Ted Strayer! Does Three Dog really have to say you're killing -all- notable figures in the wasteland?


But no, you're still a lowlife scum everywhere you go despite having as high of karma as possible... All because, completely hidden, wearing the Chinese Stealth Armor with 100% stealth skill and an active stealth field while crouched, you stole some things... Okay, a lot of things. But no one actually saw you do anything. Not even the killing Tenpenny at high noon because you were alone with only your companions as witness. So technically you were not 'seen' killing anyone... *pickpockets the ammo off the jerk guard as they go along their way*


Anyway, you get the idea.




Does anyone know of a way to actually stop the good npcs from calling you a lowlife and other negative comments when you've saved their lives and have excessively good karma? Or an existing mod that does this, because I couldn't find one...


Also, as I was looking this over before posting it, I wonder... Is there a mod where there's a minor side quest after you first leave 101 that has someone explaining the purpose of caps to you? Because I can't imagine someone raised in a vault that's trying to claim it had never interacted with the outside world knowing what caps were for... If they used any monetary system it would have been with pre-war money to maintain the facade.

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