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[REQ] Player compatible creature skeletons


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Basically, it's a simple task of copy and pasting the 3rd person camera Bone(s) from the player skeleton to the skeleton of any creature roughly as big or smaller than the player. This will allow the 3rd person camera to work properly when turning into the modified creature using the setrace console command. I was going to do it myself, but my nifskope won't load the skeletons.



This forum topic explains it in better detail.




My requested creatures are:




Draugr male & female (They have different, gender specific skeletons)




Dwarven Sphere


Sabre tooth cat







Just upload the modified skeletons on Skyrim Nexus once done. The world must know of this wonderful discovery! :happy:

Edited by Zenchii
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I second this request.


I SO desperately want to play my magic user as an ugly Hagraven.


Please. I lack the technical prowess to do it myself. Believe me, I've tried.


Otherwise, a step-by-step Youtube How-To tutorial for utter noobs to include what all programs need to be downloaded (if any besides NifSkope).



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Anyone? Please? I ain't too proud to beg, ya know! :tongue:



At least show me how to fix my Nifskope. According to the site, I'm up to date, yet still nothing. thank you.

Edited by Zenchii
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I'm honestly quite intrigued by this idea. Bump for the attention of those who might have the necessary skills; I for one don't.


Making the skeletons player-compatible would also allow for a new branch of Alteration magics: shapeshifting! Who doesn't wanna be able to zap themselves into a new form? Turn into a deer/elk, run fast! Turn into a bear, tear some bandits to shreds! Turn into a chicken and...er... putt about Riverwood! (Bonus points for the chicken form making people ignore you completely! I mean, c'mon, it's a frickin' chicken.)

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I'm honestly quite intrigued by this idea. Bump for the attention of those who might have the necessary skills; I for one don't.


Making the skeletons player-compatible would also allow for a new branch of Alteration magics: shapeshifting! Who doesn't wanna be able to zap themselves into a new form? Turn into a deer/elk, run fast! Turn into a bear, tear some bandits to shreds! Turn into a chicken and...er... putt about Riverwood! (Bonus points for the chicken form making people ignore you completely! I mean, c'mon, it's a frickin' chicken.)


LOL stealth characters would have a handy new spell. XD


Thanks for the bump. I'm really hoping someone with Nifskope reads this and gets around to it. There is problems with attack animations (Basically, if the creature you turn into can't use the melee weapons you use, or use melee weapons at all, they can't attack.) But once the Creation kit comes out in January, that can be fixed. The fixing of the 3rd camera, however, can be done now with Nifskope.

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