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Ski or Snowboard?


Ski (includes snowblades) or Snowboard, which do you do if any?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Ski (includes snowblades) or Snowboard, which do you do if any?

    • Ski
    • SnowBoard
    • None

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Some like it HOT! (And I'm one of 'em). But then we don't really have a lot of scope in central London.


(OFF TOPIC BTW aren't there any off topic subjects that most of us could actually relate to? Like 'if you could travel back in time which place and year would you most like to be in and why?' Or 'what do you reckon is the best hangover cure?' or 'how does a computer addict learn to get a life?'.


Some of you out there have imagination, I can tell from the posts, why not use more of it in the topics started? This is not a knock at you Xionith but many of these polls are very narrow and specialist.


Posting growth on these forums is most likely to be in the off-topic areas. After all there can't be many game questions that haven't been asked and answered by now!)

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what i normally do, is grab a snowboard, and board down some steps in the city, many people stare at you but i just call out "im not driving on a mountain", of course, people think i skateboard, when all i really do is take bets depending on my stack.
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