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Requiem & Custom Race Help


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Hey does anyone here know how to add abilities to races using TES5 Edit? I'm trying to install Requiem and because this mod has a custom race I can't finish installing Requiem. I'm looking at the instructions on how to merge the two now, but it's leaving steps out of its instructions.

I did the first three steps with no problems. Steps 4 to 10 I decided to ignore, because they seem to be talking about creating a new race. I wanted to leave the blue elves as they are. Step 11 is where I'm stuck at. It says to add in REQ_Ability_DisableHealthRegen (for non-vampire races), REQ_Mechanics_Stress_MassPenalty_Base, and REQ_Mechanics_NPCAdjustment_MassEffect to the new race's abilities, but it doesn't go into detail on how or where in the record I need to add them.

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