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Pre Installed Plugins


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First post. Hope it's in the right place. Googled the issue for a while and searched the forums. No dice.


So I installed NMM with little problems for FO4. I didn't install anything else afterwards, but upon loading up Fallout, the dialogue options changed from the arrows selector

to an options list.

I closed and opened NMM and noticed there was a list of plugins that I hadn't installed, that seemed to have come with NMM.

Personally I don't mind the arrows selector, but I tried looking for an option to change it back, but no luck.


Does NMM change a few things by default, or am I looking at something funky going on?

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NMM won't come pre-installed with new mods but it will probably recognize mods already installed. Maybe you had installed a few manually that you forgot about? It will also have all the DLC plugins listed.

Edited by damanding
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