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REQ Ability Tweaks/Addition


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1. Once the CS is out, I would like to request a mod which changes the Heavy and Light armour trees.

Matching Set for example needs Head, Chest, Hands and Feet... I would like to see this changed to just Chest, Hands and Feet so I dont have to gimp myself when not wearing a helmet.

You would still lose the helmet armour, so as far as balance goes I think this would just be a cosmetic and balanced change. Would love to see this tweak on all armour skills which require whole sets.

I just like the way my char looks without the helms :)


2. I think the trees are nice and the amount of points you get works well.

But as you can only max out around 3 trees at level 45 I would like to see a tree added that improves your characters regeneration, in order to give melee characters the kind of toughness they need without using alchemy or enchanting.

The tree should be no way near as powerful as going well into enchanting or alchemy, but that is what it's designed for, to give characters that dont want to be alchemists or enchanters an slight buff.

On Master Alduin repeatedly killed my level 45 char in under 1 second with his fire breath, WITH some fire and magic resist AND shield raised.


Name: Hardened



a. Indomitable (Health Regeneration + 2/4/6 HP per second)


b. 1. Hardy > Frost Resistance +15%

2. Impervious to frost slow


c. 1. Incombustible > Flame Resistance +15%

2. Burn duration -50%


d. 1. Unwavering > Shock Resistance +15%

2. Impervious to stamina drain


e. Never Falter > All resistances +10%


10 points in total for the tree.




Edited by Axeface
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Bump! (I waited long enough I think :D )


One additional REQ. If someone could change the enchant of the hoodless archmage robe to be the same as the hooded one, that would be awesome.

Edited by Axeface
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