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Know any mods to make enemies harder?


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I use:


Skyrim Immersive Creatures

High Level Enemies - SIC(+ High Level Enemies - Hardcore and High Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps)


Revenge Of the Enemies 2016

Duel - Combat Realism<--- I am considering on changing it.



Combat Evolved


(I also use Perma, SkyRe_EnemyAI and SkyRe_Enemy Scaling + a compatibility patch with Combat Evolved made by me)

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You can get Combat Evolved i like it more than deadly combat Skyrim Redone, Requiem (you need to start a new game for these 2) Archery gameplay overhaul (probably need to start a new game) deadly dragons, diverse dragon, and a lot of other mods you can watch this video.

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