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Main Entry: capital

Part of Speech: adjective²

Definition: superior

Synonyms: best, champion, choice, crack, dandy, delightful, deluxe, excellent, famous, fine, first, first-class*, first-rate*, five-star*, great, prime, splendid, superb, top, top-notch*

Antonyms: inferior, poor, worst

Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)

Copyright © 2008 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

* = informal or slang

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  • 7 months later...
Main Entry: capital

Part of Speech: adjective²

Definition: superior

Synonyms: best, champion, choice, crack, dandy, delightful, deluxe, excellent, famous, fine, first, first-class*, first-rate*, five-star*, great, prime, splendid, superb, top, top-notch*

Antonyms: inferior, poor, worst

Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)

Copyright © 2008 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

* = informal or slang


a easter egg i think


Col John Sheppard

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I think it is great; an attempt to characterize the Gray Fox. He might as well have an upper-class vocabulary, because after looking at the Wanted posters around I was kind of dissapointed on seeing him for the first time in person. Wasn't as imposing as I imagined, but I guess he was just a thief with a magic hat. :P
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I think it is great; an attempt to characterize the Gray Fox. He might as well have an upper-class vocabulary, because after looking at the Wanted posters around I was kind of dissapointed on seeing him for the first time in person. Wasn't as imposing as I imagined, but I guess he was just a thief with a magic hat. :P


You can say that again. He looks pretty dorky. That cowl is the stupidest looking piece of clothing in the game.

And he's not very tough.


I figured it was just to be unique.

But now I'm wondering, maybe there's some old-time hero like Zorro or Robin Hood who used to say that (I mean, as Errol Flynn played him), and its a bit of an homage. Have to watch them, and Captain Blood, again.


I think its cool how if you ask the stranger, "Who are you?", later on GF will tell you he's told you his name x# of times already.

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