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Badass Mods I'd like to see


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Well this is a list of things that I'd like to see with a little example of each:


1.- Horse Fast Mount/Running Mount: The mod of the unique horse Aeonbarr has a feature called Mounted Banish and convenient horses has fast dismount but I have not seen a fast mount or running mount feature that allows the player to go walking/running/sprinting and while doing it mount on the horse and start riding or running to the horse and by pressing the mount key instantly start riding without the cameralock and the long animation of mounting


Example: https://youtu.be/9pewAYj7uFA?t=9s


2.- Bow Jump shoot and better running and jump: I really like archery and would be amazing go running and jump over something and at the same time shooting with a bow with the perk that slowsdown the time


Example: https://youtu.be/-pUhraVG7Ow?t=2m11s , https://youtu.be/gT5EKzA0Bf4?t=4s


And whit it, a mod that allows you to jump while running if there isn't one yet.


3.- Sideroll left/right dodge: Sometimes when fighting against a big enemy such as a dragon, a mammoth or a giant I feel like TK Dodge mod is not enough, I'd like to perform a roll like the forward roll that you make by double tapping "W" but to the sides


4.- Real Free Camera: I do use Violens with configured to trigger Killmoves with Smart Camera and VATS off but when using the "tfc 1" command the camera remains locked to the POV behind my character and is not possible to take pictures from good angles, it would be amazing to have a mod that unlocks the camera with the command(or without) to get good pictures of the killmoves, as long as I know it maybe can be modified in the killmove file but I'm not sure!


And that's it, I'm not into modding but I might be able to help in researching to make this possible, let me know what do you think of them, are them possible, why not?



Edited by RoachDovakiin
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