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Message Box Pop-Ups


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I was thinking of creating a mod where you play as a synthetic version of Shaun's father/mother. You've escaped from the institute and had your "memories" wiped... but something went wrong. Now at certain crucial points, you start to "remember."


Obviously, the easiest way to do this would be via message box pop-ups. I don't know how to do that. In fact, I have no scripting knowledge. If this is a simple script could someone explain how I would do it? If it's more complicated could someone point me to a good guide? Thanks.

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Message boxes are very simple. Create one in the CK make sure to select the message box option (at the top right).
Then at some point in your quest for example in the fragment at the stage end. you first and give it the name of the messagebox you want to display so you can auto fill it later then for the code you put this :


and hit compile. Dont forget to actually fill in the property for the messagebox

Edited by LoneRaptor
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Ok I'll try to explain it a little better. I am assuming you know how quests work. First you create your quest and the stages of it. then at the stage where you want to have a message pop up. you look for the papyrus fragment window(in the quest stages tab) middle right and click on the properties button underneath it. In the new window that pops up you click on add property (bottom left). where it sais type you select message, where it sais name you type/copy pase the editor Id of your message(you can give it any name but the editor id makes it simpler later). Then click OK. Then select the property you just made in the left side of the property window and on the right click on auto fill(a little icon should appear next to your property) and then on OK. Then back in the quest stage tab inside the papyrus fragment box type:


The yourMessageProperty should be the name of the property you just made. Then click on compile.


If you don't want to use a quest you could also use trigger boxes but that would require placing them and a little more scripting. If you do want to do it this way i could explain how to as wel.

Edited by LoneRaptor
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This tutorial will show you how to do that: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Papyrus_Hello_World That tutorial along with the two after show you in detail what you can do.


There are a basically two ways you can show messages and two types of message styles. The tutorial shows all of them.

Edited by Nutulator
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