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VERY weird teleport bug


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Here is the short story..

Ive just released a new settlement mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18053/?


Now a user posted a bug report that is truely a mystery that i didnt believe till i confirmed it myself.

It seems that my mod causes a teleport loop (infinite loading screen) inside the museum of freedom(concord ) as you get close to the steel gate that leads to the basement.

Mind you my mod is at walden pond and nowhere near concord to effect it..

I also tested with a non settlement version of my mod (no markers,wb,location data,encounter,quests etc..) and it still does it..


here are my thoughts..

Could it possibly be a item/object that i used to dress up the location ??

and doors that i used dont have any teleporting properties that i know of..(a black door and the castle door that work as simple doors ).

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i may have found the cause but have no idea why...


I also noticed a funny teleport issue 2 days ago at boylston club at boston commons..

When i went close to the bar at the far end it took me into a loading screen loop.

Now heres the funny part...


I looked at both concord museum and boylton club and guess what they both had in common in the problem areas...?

The fricking FOG!!! http://prntscr.com/cecn9t


Now i have to find out why and how its related to my mod...

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Found the culprit but i need help identifying the reason..


It was the gate in concord and the bar door in the boylton club.


After removing any mist or light source on a test esp from both locations the issue remained so the only thing was the 2 doors/gates that i had no suspicion would be the cause ( since i dont have these items in my build) so i went in game and tried getting close and boom teleport...

I coced and tried again but this time i disabled the door/gate and the problem was gone..Enabled again and boom...teleport loop...


This is so weird i have no idea what the cause is...

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and to prove my finding..

Look at the 2 pics.

one with gate in place http://prntscr.com/ceds2q


Two) gate removed http://prntscr.com/cedsp0


As you see the trigger went with the gate... and ingame you can now walk through without teleporting...


So WTF is going on ??




Removed the doors at my build...but still the issue remains...


Also note i looked at both doors in their teleport data and they were blank hence shouldnt teleport...

Edited by greekrage
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