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[W.I.P] Khajiit skooma den + brothel


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Well, it ain't exactly great but it's a big improvement from earlier versions :D

44 unique bricks, just need to add detail to them but I've got tunnel vision from working 10 hours in a row so I think I'll save that for tomorrow. Funny enough I'll probably end up just using a free texture instead, but practice is never wasted time!



Edit: No no no no! I was just browsing CGTextures and noticed one thing... one of the super-sexy textures from Two Worlds 2 is from there! I guess now I can use it without worrying about copy-rights at least :)

Edited by Psientist
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Looks decent. A few spots I could point out, but I think you deserve not having me nagging you :)

I still reccomend you to try not to get too attached to Crazybump. It is more a pain than good when you get to complictated textures.


P.S. if it makes you feel better, I am currently sculpting 32 different bricks for a floor texture. Now that is quite a few houres of work!




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Ooh be sure to show it to me once you are done! :) Is it for a mod, game, commercial/project or movie?



Yeah I just use it for a quick overview in the render, I'm about to install CS 32-bit so I can get the nvidia plug-in working.

Also I'm abandoning that abomination! I was going to use that texture from Two Worlds 2 as a reference for detail work when I discovered it was a free texture :P

Still, it's an experience. I'll probably end up hand-making things again in the future but right now I want to get the ball rolling for the skooma den so I'll be cheaping out and using free textures as much as I can :)

Or well, tomorrow is ball-rolling day, today is resting my eyes-day I think!

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Is it for a mod, game, commercial/project or movie?

Practice more than anything. The project I am in is not due before in a month, so I got some time to kill.


Also I'm abandoning that abomination! I was going to use that texture from Two Worlds 2 as a reference for detail work when I discovered it was a free texture

It's not that bad! It might need a little tweak here and there, but is generally not too bad.



so I'll be cheaping out and using free textures as much as I can

Try to at least work with the images you get, and not just slap it on and call it a day. That's the kind of texturing you'd do if you would be making a game. Currently you got all the time in the world, so get some quality :) The more you focus on smaller details, the faster you get the ability to see smaller details and add them rapidly. "Having an eye for details!" can be learned!



tomorrow is ball-rolling day, today is resting my eyes-day I think!

Welcome to modding! I have spent weeks on projects, and then deleting them afterwards. I have also spent weeks on a project, and having my PC crash and me losing it. Actually, that have happened more times than I want to admit. Hm....


If you ever need some critisism or help, don't be afraid to hit me up :)




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Haha yeah I sat like 5 - 14 hours a day with my minecraft project. I remember spending every day trying to come up with a way to make a kind of jackpot system for a mod of mine, after a week (and some help to be honest) I finally succeeded! Only the game's obfuscation rendered the arrays useless so I had to scrap it all :)

Sadly my "eye for details" is already rather decent, I already can't play any game without localizing tiling patterns, seams or such or think about the way they've arranged the furniture and so on.

I can chose to ignore it, but I'll always know that it's there...


Well of course! I'm going to make sure everything matches color-wise, play around with light sources, try to add details as the big picture grows. But I think it would be better to save the hand-work for the smaller details.

I mean that texture could probably work in some more cartoony or line-art indie game, but it doesn't quite fit with the overall quality of Skyrim. Although Skyrim has a mix of photography and hand-designed textures.

Mainly due to lack of dragon and ancient ruins reference photos I suspect, but there's also stuff like that one texture with the leaves which seem to have gotten a pastel filter and outline effect or some such, or the very obviously tiled field of daisies texture.

But since I got interested in this kind of stuff I've always used that as an inspiration, that even professionals aren't flawless and if they can afford to make mistakes then so can I!


I will keep that in mind, maybe I'll bother you about 3D modeling if I can't find a tutorial that explains what I need in a way that I understand some day in the future :)

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Wow, I really like this mod so far!


Maybe make it an inn/hot spring bathhouse/spa trying to market itself as exotic, a little taste of elsewyr in the frozen north? Of course the owner can live there too, and much of it can be a sort of expansive house/inn... And given that the nords don't really seem to have a lot of places to relax like that in skyrim, it'd probaby be a big hit!

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I like it.


If you read the Khajiit books in game, their culture is very.. open.. about physical things, so it makes sense without being sexualised.


One suggestion if you're worried about it seeming like some kind of Tardis envirnment is to show a few 'cracks around the edges' if you will, some cracked blocks around the cave entrance and a little bit of snow drifting in with a tent-wall like barrier keeping it out as best it can. Perhaps several red glowing magic crystals around the edges, one with a fire mage tending to it who grumbles about the losing battle to keep the cave warm enough for everyones tastes.

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