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[W.I.P] Khajiit skooma den + brothel


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I think you could make a case for importing the materials but the wall itself I would ton the color down a bit and add some crack decals or other things to make it look used and worn a bit. It should stand out a little, its a vastly different culture, but that doesn't mean it'll "break immersion". If done right, it should look like something that could exist in the same world but didn't originate from Skyrim.
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I just wanna say, don't let anyone discourage you because it "doesn't fit Skyrim". I'd personally love to see this project go somewhere, not to mention the things you make could be reused for even more amazing things. (Assuming you were okay with that, or you were the one doing it.) If people don't want it in Skyrim, they don't have to download. You gotta start somewhere, and who knows; maybe once this is done it will lead to the creation of a mod that lets you visit Elsweyr. :smile: (Somewhere? Elsweyr!)


That being said, there ARE some characteristic things in Skyrim that you might consider. Skyrim tends to desaturate colors, though I believe some of it is post-processing. Things in Skyrim usually look very worn or rough; there is almost nothing in the game that's truly smooth, clean and even. Many objects have a great deal of carved or painted detail as well. It is clear artisans take pride in their work in Skyrim, even under the pressure of the harsh environment, making each object a miniature work of art.


I'll be interested to see where this goes. :happy:

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Dear Sir - this is an excellent project, and based on the amount of work you are doing I have no doubt it will be a real success!


Thing is, the people doubting the "desert house in Skyrim" are right. It is just too out of place, and anyways you see how the Khajit are treated, they are not "at home" here and would not be allowed to hang around and set up something like this in the province.


I have an idea that I hope I can convince you to consider... a quest line that includes your excellent idea, but with a twist.


As someone upthread said, the real Khajit Skooma den would be hidden away in a cave somewhere. The hot springs make sense as the location.




1. Get in good with the travelling salesmen. Maybe complete a "go get me" type mission or two, and then...


2. They reveal the location of their Skooma den. Suggets you go and visit it to get some of the "good stuff".


3. At their (humble, well hidden) Skooma den you are able to buy and consume the "Deluxe Skooma" (oe whatever you want to call it). You chill out on the cushions and let 'er rip...


4. DREAM SEQUENCE. You start tripping heavily, lots of cool visual effects, and you find yourself in Elseweyr, at the Maharaja, the most famous and bestest Skooma den in Tamriel! That's your place you are designing right now...


5. Not sure exactly, but some sort of dreamland quest to get back out to the "real world"... I would suggest a wizard of Oz type thing, where all of the Khajit in the real world den are also there in the dream world, but are of course in beautiful costumes, etc.


This would be a great way to go, because:


-it gives a cool quest that really highlights your work

-it allows you to include realistic terrain, weather, costumes, etc. appropriate to the Elseweyr theme.

-it doesn't seem so out of place as sticking this thing in the middle of Skyrim

-because it is the biggest bestest Skooma Den in all of Tamriel, you have license to really go nuts, make it big and beautiful, etc.


Anyways, hope you might give this idea some consideration! I'll be watching your progress eagerly.

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Cool idea meatbomb, but way too advanced for me to mess around with shaders to make dream sequences.



To be honest, I'd like to ask people just chillax a bit until I have something more substantial to show and let's not go crazy until then :P

But you should totally try to pitch that idea to someone or try to make it happen yourself.

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Thing is, the people doubting the "desert house in Skyrim" are right. It is just too out of place, and anyways you see how the Khajit are treated, they are not "at home" here and would not be allowed to hang around and set up something like this in the province.


They are not welcome in Skyrim's cities, so building their own little place makes sense. They will feel at home there. Having it built like an Elsweyr building would attract the various Khajiit traveling around.

Edited by LukeSkyrimmer
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This sounds like a really unique idea. I think you'd have to make the location a bit out of the way, maybe near the game borders. Nords don't like Khajiitts setting up shop, they think they're all thieves and skooma dealers.

I love the concept though and a wealthy Khajiit with enough coin could probably set himself up in Skyrim. Certain Yarls probably wouldn't care, consider the Yarl of Falkreath as an example. Just give him coin and Black Briar ale and you have free reign in his territory.

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