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use currency as damage potential, like coin purse of charity


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in dragon's dogma there's a cool item called coin purse of charity, you use use 10k gold of your own money to deal massive damage to enemies and i was thinking, what if skyrim had an equivalent?

here's a few thoughts

at a forge you can use 1k gold to create charity arrows and bolts, when fired these do massive damage to enemies but use up your own gold to do so, a scroll item can be made too which uses gold and works as a magic spell, throwing weapons lite has been able to use scrolls as damaging items

thought it would be funny to have, anyone want to make?

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I think it would be better to get a lesser power(shout slot) that uses a scripted magic effect that uses an "Event onEffectStart"(or however you write it) that checks

"If akCaster getitemCount(Gold) >= 10000

akCaster.RemoveItem(Gold) 10000

akTarget.DamageHealth <Mag>"


Where <Mag> would be the magnitude, A.K.A., Massive damage.


I'm not entirely enlightened on how to make it seamless, I don't know how to export plug-ins, and I don't have the CK, but if this helps someone accomplish your request, then it's enough for me.


Sorry about not being able to make it for you, and good luck.

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