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Is it possible??


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Ok I previously asked, if there is a way to make a flail, there is. I found one ( http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14941 ) but, it is animated and J3X does not know how to NOT make then animated. Is there such a way to make it from the chain to the spike-ball part of it have some havok and be affected by gravity? I am doing this for my own mod, and will inform him on how to do this to furhter develop HIS mod. (I am using his mod he did say it is a resource, I do not take credit for his mesh and will not even take credit for it when my mod comes out involving a flail.) ((and a whip :thumbsup:))


P.S. I am sorry if people are tired of seeing me on the forums lol :blush: , all these questions are related. I'm trying to make a pretty good sized weapon add-on and I'm running into all these roadblocks. :wallbash:

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