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Baseball Uniform Texture Edit - Star Pitcher Matt "The Missile" Murtagh's Jersey


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One of my favourite Sole Survivors to play as is Boston's star pitcher, Matt "The Missile" Murtagh. Running around the Commonwealth like the Baseball Furies on Buffout is the best way to play Fallout 4 in my opinion.


Such a famous athlete deserves a distinctive uniform, so I ask for a Baseball Uniform featuring Murtagh's name and number, 111 (By 2077, I'm sure enough numbers were retired to allow player numbers in the hundreds).

If it's possible to also remove the patches on the uniform's shoulder and legs without too much mesh trouble, it would be appreciated. This is genuine sports memorabilia here!

Item stats could remain the same, or include a small Strength bonus, along with a reasonable increase in value. Please allow it to be upgraded with ballistic weave, like the standard Baseball Uniform.

Murtagh's Uniform can be sold by Moe Cronin, or taken (not stolen, please) from a display case Moe's house in Diamond City.

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