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Adding Generic "Hello" Dialog To Raider Voicetypes - Nae Worky


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Right, it's 4am and finally given up on trying to figure this stuff out, so cut me some slack if it reads a bit hazy.


I decided on a whim to make Red Tourette and her gang a player-befriendable faction. That part works fine; everybody gets on swimmingly, and the raiders are unique actors now. Problem is, is that the RaiderFemale01, RaiderMale01 and RaiderMale02 voicetypes don't have any dialogue for raider <-> player interaction.


So when you press E on the dudes, nada.


I tried making a new, start-game enabled quest. Clicked on the Misc tab, added three INFO groups for each voice type (keeps things tidy, and saves me copy-pasting a bunch of conditions), added around ten lines for each voice type, and set 'em all to random.


Chucked in the proper voice files into a .ba2, and all that good stuff. But no cigar, the NPCs are as mute as ever.


Wee link to the current state of mod: http://www11.zippyshare.com/v/xNtJ6JOE/file.html



So aye. Why is dialogue such a pain in the ass fer Fallout 4? Was much easier in Skyrim, New Vegas, Fallout 3 & Oblivion. Bah.

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Upon some further investigation, that relied entirely upon my enabling dialogue subtitles, it seems that the dialogue records are valid, but the .fuz files aren't played by the raiders. The filenames are correct, as is the folder path to the sound files. Ruddy odd.



Edit: Right, the voice files work fine when they're supplied as loose files. But when they're bundled into a .ba2 archive, with the same name as the plugin, they don't play.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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Well, that's because you name it wrong.

Let's say, your esp name is 'RaidersHello.esp', then your ba2 archive goes like 'RaidersHello - Main.ba2' and 'RaidersHello - Textures.ba2', but not 'RaidersHello.ba2'

Edited by werr92
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Well, that's because you name it wrong.

Let's say, your esp name is 'RaidersHello.esp', then your ba2 archive goes like 'RaidersHello - Main.ba2' and 'RaidersHello - Textures.ba2', but not 'RaidersHello.ba2'




God damn it Todd.



Non-helpful comment, but please follow through with your idea! I wanted to be able to befriend Red Tourette as soon as I first met her.



Oh, that part's already done. Admittedly, it's a shoe-horn at the moment; you befriend her by finding an expensive holotape on one of her dead scouts, and leaving it on the Church lecturn after talking to her through the holotape; a shitty pm-an-npc system, basically.


Wait a day or two, and bam. Red Tourette and her gang are on your side.


Now I'm trying to figure out how to add working raider dialogue to the Workshop, so you can make 'em do stuff and they'll respond, rather than saying nothing and doing it right away.

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I've decided to scrap the shitty holotape quest, as that was pretty much just an ill-thought out shoe-in. What I've now decided to do, is something much more interesting.


I've added a raider from Tourette's gang, that is searching the dead raider at Sanctuary Hills for any loot; food in particular. You go up to him, and the two of you talk. He's surprised and suspicious at first, but the Player woos him over, and tells you about the situation by handing you a note written by Red Tourette, that outlines what he has been tasked with; investigating Tower Tom's gang.


The player then says something along the lines of "These guys have got to die.", and he raider gets all puffed up, with having his own pre-war relic hell-bent on destroying Lily's kidnappers. He hands you some starting gear that he's assembled, then the two of you then mosey on over to Tom's place and slay everybody there.


Once that is done, he bids you farewell and heads on over to deliver the news to Red Tourette. After that, you unlock the ration stockpile as a workshop, and the raiders there become valid settlers.



Slowly figuring out the unintuitive game systems. For example, to start a scene upon the player talking to an NPC, you need to add a response in the Quest -> Misc tab -> New topic (choose the Greeting subtype) -> Add the initial line of dialogue to be spoken.


Go to your scene, and set up the phases, one for each line of dialogue (the Greeting phase counts as the initial dialogue phase).


Rename the second phase (the one after Greeting) to whatever.


Double click the first action in the first phase (should be a grey box titled "Greeting"), and your dialogue should be there. Under the "Start Scene" panel -> Scene: -> choose the scene we're working with


Start Scene panel -> Phase: -> choose the phase we renamed



And a good way to circumnavigate the horrid player dialogue system, we just add the player as another actor to the scene. In the main scene window, right-click -> add actor -> select the player. Now just add the player responses as if they were another NPC actor. Saves you from having to f***ing make four different dialogue options, with four different responses every time you want the player to talk.


Wouldn't be so bad if we had ~20k lines for every voicetype we want to work with, but Bethesda dropped the ball, so we have to avoid adding dialogue choices wherever possible.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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