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PS3 Controller Issues


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Since 11-11 I have been playing Skyrim on PC using my PS3 controller with minimal issues. I am not blaming this on the patch, but around noon yesterday my controller stopped working, I am using MotionJoy DS3 tool and have no clue as to what is wrong. I have been trying to find a fix for over a day now with no luck...
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I really cannot offer much help, as I don't have a PS3 controller to test with.

However, I can still try to get more info out of you for the sake that hopefully someone else

will be able to help you, and benefit from the info.



32 bit/64 bit?


and rather more importantly- is the controller still working in general and for other games on

your computer?


Currently, the thoughts that are going through my head for this situation, is that the 1.2 patch

"fixed" mouse errors, some of which as far as I understand, involved the xbox 360 options.

Make sure all the controller options are still set to what you need them to be at, and no other

odd in-game options are set off, disabling your controller.

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*Edit - I have been playing Skyrim since release day with no issues once I got MotionJoy up and running. The first time I plugged in the PS3 controller it installed the PS3 driver and has worked well until yesterday around noon (around the time of the update)...


I have windows 7 64 bit. When I plug in the ps3 controller I get the following message:


"USB Device Not Recognized - one of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned and Windows does not recognize it. For assistance in solving this problem, click this message."


I click the message and there is no real help.


I went through device manager and found that I am getting error 43, and through google I found this link:




I tried the Microsoft Fix It tool which recognized my problems but again had no solution.


I have tried using the driver signature, where you have to restart your computer and press f8 to set the validation of drivers, and more, nothing seems to work... I am supposed to have the drivers automatically load when I plug in the PS3 controllers, but the message above is what I get...

Edited by jcscrogs
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