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Settlement Vertibird Minigun Turrent


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Don't know if it'd be possible, but I think it'd be pretty awesome to have a minigun you can build in a settlement like the one on a vertibird. The minigun you actually aim and fire, not like a normal automatic turret. Would be super fun to defend with! Even cooler if you could somehow assign a settler to it.

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Try to have an invisible vertibird frame. or seats. Because NPCs can already use the veritibird gun. Or find a way to snip that section from the vertibird and make it it's own peaceable object.


The mechanics are there and someone who is skilled enough could do it. Shoot you could make it look as if the rest of the vertibird had been destroyed. Or you can pull something off like the vertibird in Lexington. Just have the frame there with the working minigun.


BTW XRE taught me to never say never when it comes to mod development.

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