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HDT Physics to Object/Clothes

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Hello there!




I want to make this little "skirt" (from the Plate Armor of the mod zzjays wardrobe I don't know how to call it see the image above) move with HDT Physics as if it was a pony tale or seamessly. I would like to see that little thing moving while my character walks or something. I have been researching to see if I can do it myself but for what I have readed I would need to rig the mesh and create or tweak a .XML file for it, with nifskope set it to the NiStringExtraData and finally with the Creation Kit adding it to the game as an update to the mod already installed just to get that tiny skirt moving. In theory for me sounds easy but in practice don't because I don't have 3DS Max for the rigging, what I know about .XML is less than 0, the nifskope thing don't look so hard to do and finally adding it to the game might be easy too by the CreationKit.


My questions are: Is that the way to do it? How is it supposed to be? Could someone rig the mesh? Is there a .XML file that might help to get the Physics to be close to reality?(Like the pony tale hairstyles in KS Hairdos Mod).


Also let me know what you think of it? Is worth it?



PD: Sorry if I made a grammatical mistake or else, I'm learning english and also trying not to use translator.

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Yes, it is possible, but it will take some work. You can use Blender, which is free, instead of 3DSMax. It will require you to learn Blender and a third party plugin, nifscripts, in order to teach blender to use nif files.


I would call that a sash, by the way.


A problem might occur with the fact that it won't really work perfectly if you don't have a custom skeleton that has bones that match the sash. You might be able to use existing skeleton's cape or tail bones, but those might have odd effects because they aren't in the right location.


Again, it's possible, but it's going to take a lot of learning of different systems and potentially several tutorials (the only ones I am familiar with are in english). It's up to you as to whether or not it's worth it.


If you do decide to try it, you can use the HDT Capes mod as an example of how to make it work.


PS: Good luck with learning English! :smile:

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