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Forced to Watch Same Ad EVERY SINGLE TIME!


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I understand a mandatory ad every so many files, but I'm having to watch this Spanish Gas Power ad every time I try to download something. I also thought it was weird that the download "Wait a sec" window isn't a popup anymore. Is there a problem with chrome? Cookies? Or is Nexus being a D-bag?
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  • 4 weeks later...

In a word 'Flash' - Not the sites fault you chose to install it - but here's a tip ...


For Google chrome type the following address in your url bar


about:flags (For the open source chromium version I think its chrome://flags, and for Comodo Dragon users its Dragon://flags)


and press return. Be careful what you play with here.


Scroll down and find Click to Play


Click Enable once (it will change to Disable)


Now relaunch the browser.


Go to Options / Under The Hood, and click Content Settings


Scroll down to Plugins, you now have a new option Click to play. If you choose it, relaunch the browser again.


Now whenever a plugin is required to run the web page content, you can now choose to let it play instead of getting those annoying video ads automatically blaring in your face every where you go.


It works pretty much the same as the old firefox plugin flashblock does.

But .. more importantly ... you dont need another potentially badly written homebrew chrome extension to do the same job.


Click to play: “Enables a "click to play" option in the plug-in content settings”. This was temporarily in the options menu, but now is in the flags page. This will prevent selected plugins from running, instead, you will manually execute them. Excellent choice in case you don’t want flash, Java or any other plugin from running without your permission.


Google Chrome also has all the Privacy respecting Options default to not very private at all :), exploring those might be a good idea, Under the Hood settings in particular, and the Content settings button you find there.


Edit: I realise Google Chrome comes with its own version of the Flash plugin, so yeah agree you may not have been aware it would automatically be available with that browser .. Here's a fork of Chrome which doesn't http://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-toolbars/browser.php (but if you install flash from adobe all browsers will use it anyway)

It will let you know when there are updates (unlike SRWare Iron), and the Options menu is in the Dragon Eye (top left of the browser) instead of the usual Spanner Icon.


Here's another more drastic approach - Screenshot http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=5181643Untitled.png

But then you wont be able to watch YouTube or whatever .. Click to Play is the better option (unless you have another browser installed purely for watching flash content, then you can disable the plugin in just chrome, and also benefit from its sandboxed processes not letting malware come out to play which are sometimes associated with ads)


And of course, the site has to earn its revenue via ads to keep going, so disabling these methods are not going to be condusive to good upkeep of TESNexus - I'm not sure but would using just Click to Play still gain revenue for the site ?

Edited by Guest
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Or is Nexus being a D-bag?


...by giving you free file hosting and downloads? Keep in mind Nexus doesn't choose which ads are played. Ad services rent space on the Nexus and choose their own ads, much like a highway bilboard. It really isn't the highway commission's fault you don't like an ad you see everyday on the way to work is it?


Or wait, Dark0ne locked you in your basement and forced you to view adverts to the dulcid sounds of Ludwig Van didn't he?


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You show as a premium member and should not see those ads. Log out of the file site, close your browser, Them log back in and the ads should be gone.
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