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Ice Cold Nuka Colas


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So I just recently completed the main Nuka World questline and I got a heck of a lot of Nuka Colas stored up.


Then I returned to the commonwealth and started doing quests I never finished.


I got the Trouble Brewing quest and decided to keep Buddy for myself, because ice cold beer is nice. When I found out I could get ice cold Nukas... well... I was ecstatic.


I gave the robot all my Nuka.


Every last bottle.


And they all came back ice cold....



At the time I was happy, but I just built a Nuka Mixing Station. You can't mix ice cold Nuka. I just wasted hundreds of Colas.


Don't do what I did. KEEP YOUR NUKA WARM!



Or at least don't be an idiot like me and put all your Nuka in.

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