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Skyrim Launcher verification PC


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When starting up skyrim it brings up the first window giving the options: "play, options, datafiles, tech support and exit" which is fine.

When clicking "play" it asks "Do you want the following program to make changes to your computer?" Program in question is named as "Skyrim Launcher" and is found in the Bethesda Softworks files on my harddrive.

Even when I allow it to make changes to my harddrive it just loads the first window as if I had just tried to start the program again.

How do i run the game again :(

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I have the same issue. I am using Steam to play the game. Anyone have any ideas how to fix it?




I found a potential solution. If you are using steam, go to your games library, right click on Skyrim, select "properties", click on the "local files" tab, and press the "verify integrity of game cache" button.


Game started working after it finished. Hope that helps.

Edited by battosaix2l84u
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