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Skyrim Adventurers Tent


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I currently have 221 mods downloaded, of which 169 are installed. Out of that number I've got 159 active plugins.

My comp is, oh, midlevel I suppose. Anyway, when the bitmaps start to pile up and I kinda push things as far

as my character involvement is concerned, I tend to get a lot of CTDs. In some situations it's pretty hard to save.


I'm also running a legendary level game with lots of challenging effects coming from Frostfall, Wet and Cold, that

kind of thing. I can die if I don't get enough water. Lots of extra bandits and other nasties in

dungeons and on the road, all set at a kill you with one whack level. Anyway, you probably get the picture.


I've found HerrBarons' "Skyrim Adventurers Tent" to be extremely useful, particularly in the beginning when cash is

very low and I've got no place to stash loot, disenchant stuff, and work leather and metallic ores. It's also a really

good place to recover from the effects of hypothermia and fatigue. It's also very handy since I've disabled "Fast Travel"

and frequently need a place to rest up during the hike to places like Windhelm and Winterhold. The tent reminds me of the Weasley tent at

the World Quidditch match in that it's bigger on the inside than on the outside.


Okay, I know that it's not hardcore, but, frankly, I'd spend a LOT of time recovering in taverns or near campfires built

by my companions if I didn't use it. The camping mod is really nice, and a lot more realistic probably, but the A-Tent

is really, really handy, and, so far, it works VERY well. The only problem I've encountered is that when I go in,

only two followers will come in with me. I can bring in the rest by summoning them or teleporting them so it's all good.

Oh, one final note: Other than all the basic stations, there are NO extra resources like soul gems, ores, that kind



All -in-all, I've found the mod to be one of the most useful I've ever seen for my style of play.

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