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ENBSeries V 0.198


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Hello, does anyone still have the ENBSeries V 0.198 file? I need it to get the RealLike ENB working properly and it's not available on the author's website. Using the newer ENBSeries seems to make the game's lightning flicker on and off repeatedly. I've tried numerous other ENBs and I personally believe that RealLike is the best in terms of performance to quality ratio. I don't exactly have a beast rig, so my options are limited. On the mod's page, there is alternative download to the one that uses v 0.133 , which is the one that I had been using until recently. I had been getting CTDs because game needs the memory patch that is only available from v 0.192 upwards. Without it, my game crashes within 15 minutes of gameplay. If anyone still has the v 0.198 could you please send it to my email [email protected] ? Thank you.

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