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The Little Grim Reaper on my Screen


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I've got a symbol on my game screen that I don't understand. It probably came in with

one of the multitude of mods that I've installed. The symbol consists of a small

Grim Reaper situated behind a tombstone with yellow numbers over its' head and

down to the right side. So far the only number that's changed is the one up on



I've also got a yellow bar down on the bottom that tends to lengthen and shorten

at various times. Mostly I just ignore both of them and get on with my business.


Does anyone have a clue as to the purpose of these and as to which mod, if any,

that they're associated?


I'm sure I should've read the fine print on all my mods, then I'd know. Thing is,

I didn't. Sometimes I just don't have the patience to wade through all the data.

(mental slap on my wrist here)


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It's SkyUI 3.4. It is showing you beneficial active effects like Resist potions and shrine buffs and stuff. There's an option in the MCM Menu.


Okay. I go back into MCM and check it out. Thanks for the info.

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