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Use your ALT characters as followers/companions.


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I've been kicking this idea around (since the game came out), what if we were able to load our characters from other saves into the game we're currently playing so we can use them as a companion? Also some useful things like:


-Items are consistent so they have all of their equipment and items from the save.

-You can trade them, give them caps, etc.

-They would have their actual level and stats from the save.


-When you save on the main save, it saves everything done to the ALT character onto the ALT save.

-Dialogue (It doesn't have to have voices.)

-You can have a relationship with them (Personally it doesn't make a difference to me if this is added or not, but I figured I'd mention it because sooner or later someone is going to request it.)

-They level up with you.

-They can work in your settlement.


This will probably take a lot of work/may not even be possible. If at all possible, it would most likely require F4SE.



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Maybe it would help to bring up that this has been done in Skyrim and implemented to the Nth degree with amazing scripting and external API usage:


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54509/? Familiar Faces! Pretty cool mod, maybe the original author, Verteiron, could be contacted to ask about things. :smile:


I checked it out, and it's amazing! I installed it and tested it out on Skyrim, and I love it! I sent him a message 3 days ago (about whether he would port it or not) and he hasn't responded. It seems the last time he was even active was sometime late June. I hope he comes back soon, then maybe I could pick his brain about this mod. Anyways, thanks for the info!

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