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Dragons being very hard to kill


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Hi so I'm level 55 right now and I'm finding that I can't kill a dragon anymore even with tons of health potions. They do like a 3rd of my health each time they breath fire/ice. They used to do a 20th of my health when I was like level 20. When I was level 20 I had the settings on novice and I've never changed it. Help would really be appreciated because everytime I see a dragon I have to run for my life.

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Try to avoid their breath attacks by hiding behind rocks or buildings.


Potions or enchantments that give fire, frost, or magic resist will also make it easier.


The Lord stone gives magic resist. You can get 100% magic immunity if you min/max far enough, but at that point you might not be having fun any more.


I would put away your melee weapon the entire time and use a bow or spells. Sorry but melee just leaves you vulnerable to breath weapon, bite attack (1 hit kill), etc.

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Once I had enhance Dragon Mod, not gonna name it, :laugh: it went haywire, I got attack by a Immortal Dragon. Quick as wink I open console TGM, I'll teach it a thing or two, it call for help :confused: 5 Immortal Dragon now. Even with God Mode I wasn't good enough, I was getting blisters on my fingers, but I wanted it Soul, so quick as wink I open console, click on the beast -> KILL, yep I was feeling pretty clever. It didn't die :ohmy: not even a friggin Bleed Out. Uninstalling this Unnamed Mod was nightmare since it was it heavily & poorly scripted, requiring Super Massive Rollback to keep my save intact. :wallbash:! Nevertheless I still think of it as gaming high lite. So s#*! Happens.

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Sounds about right for level 55 dragons get stronger as you level and different kinds start to appear ie. ancient, reverent, legendary ect.. Enchanting is your best friend the double perk is nice you get two enchantments per item health can be added on a number of items as well as weapons enchantments. happy gaming

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