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Lydia never appearing


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I had the same problem. I became Thane, but no Lydia. I played the Xbox version before the PC, so I knew where she should be. When I didn't see her at the exit door from Dragonsreach, I assumed she would be at my home...no luck. I tried "player.moveto" command, but it put me in the upstairs Breezehome room, but no one was there. I tried looking around Whiterun for a while, and even looked through Dragonsreach again...no luck. I reluctlently resorted to the"player.placeatme" command to get her. The problem with that is I found out the hard way that every time I would dismiss her, she would either vanish from existence or I'd find her roaming the streets of Whiterun naked with a hunting bow...all of the equipped weapons and armor I'd given her would disappear. After several "level ups" later, I would even run into a Lydia "clone" roaming through the wilderness. I'm about to start a new game and hope the problem doesn't repeat itself.
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